学術情報 -BVUT-


BJU International、European Urology、International Journal of Urology、The Journal of Urology、LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms、Neurourology and Urodynamics





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2024年06月号 Vol.7 No.1 June 2024

Vol.7 No.1 June 2024


FDA MAUDEデータベースにおける仙骨神経刺激療法に関する安全性報告の10年間の動向

Understanding a decade of safety reporting for sacral neuromodulation in the Food and Drug Administration Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database


Predictive value of risk factors for bladder dysfunction in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A case-control study


Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy using self-check sheet for patients with nocturia in realworld clinical practice


Serum anandamide and lipids associated with linoleic acid can distinguish interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome from overactive bladder: An exploratory study


Mechanism of urosepsis: relationship between intrarenal pressures and pyelovenous backflow

限局性前立腺癌に対する高密度焦点超音波療法(HIFU)の治療成績:whole-gland および focal therapy

Prostate cancer outcomes following whole-gland and focal high-intensity focused ultrasound


Using prostate-specific membrane antigen positron-emission tomography to guide prostate biopsies and stage men at high-risk of prostate cancer


Far from the truth: Real-world treatment patterns among newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer in the era of treatment intensification

The content of this publication contains abstracts and/or translated articles from BJU International, International Journal of Urology, LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Neurourology and Urodynamics. This material is published by Wiley Publishing Japan K.K. with the permission of the copyright owners. The copyright owners take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation from the published English original and is not liable for any errors which may occur.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. This material is supported by an educational grant from Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for the purpose of furthering medical education in Japan.

Japanese edition 2024
ISSN 2433-9113
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